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When You’re a Single Parent and Your Child Has Autism – 7 Tips, Advice and Tools

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Single parenting your child with autism can easily feel overwhelmed and frustrating at times. When you face challenges, you may feel like you’re the only one who has to deal with them (I still do). It is possible to make the process of raising a child on the spectrum as smooth and stress-free as possible. You can use some of these tips to make parenting easier:   

  • Spend as much time as possible with your child. Build a strong bond. The environment will become more secure and confident for them as a result.
  • Be patient and understanding when it comes to your child’s behavior. You may feel frustrated (no one is perfect, I do to) when your child is acting out or acting in ways that make no sense. However, it is crucial that you remain calm and patient when it pertains to your child’s behavior. Remember, they are still learning and growing, and may not have the same level of emotional regulation as adults do.
  • Keep an open mind when it comes to your child’s diagnosis. This is important, so that you can be an advocate for them and help them feel accepted and understood. It’s also critical that you be willing to work with your child’s doctor if they have concerns about their diagnosis or treatment options. Remember, you are your child’s greatest advocate and they need your support.


  • Also, your child may not always be able to communicate his feelings or what he wants. Depending on the level of the autism, sometimes your child may need extra time to process information and/or find the right words. One of the strategies I tried. (and it was very successful) was to tell your child what you think he/she said. If they nod their head yes, make it a joyful moment. Within time, you may find the words become clear, and easier to understand. Because you repeated the word. (Trust me, It will be many times you will repeat it LOL )

Keep Sentences Short

  • It is also helpful to remember that your child may not always understand what you are saying. So keep your sentences short. Long sentences, in my experience, can cause an overload, and you may end up with a meltdown. It’s important to be patient and understanding in these situations.
  • Single parenting with autism gets lonely at times you can’t share accomplishments because you are the only one in the household. But there are ways around that. Let your child hear you tell someone you know at the store, or at the postoffice, what they achieved. It validates their accomplishments, and they hear from someone else they did a great job.

Single Parents Need Their Time Too

  • Find time for you. I’m still learning this one, it isn’t easy. I totally get that. I start my day at 3am (I know that sounds crazy, hear me out LOL). Getting a shower, getting fully dressed, and doing what I want. You’ll be surprised how much a difference that makes on your self esteem, and you are less stressed. You also feel more accomplished, even if you’ve had a difficult day.


None of these ideas are set in stone. It took me a lot of trial and error over the course of the last 21 years to figure things out. But once I found my way, it became easier. It’s all about dedicating the time and truly understanding what works and what doesn’t. Once you gain a deep understanding of their world, your days can flow much more smoothly. You’ll navigate through challenges with confidence and find yourself on a path to success.

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