Autism Families: Resources and Support

Here is a list if helpful Autism Family Resources (and some freebies) for all my families out there who have kids with autism. Whether your child was recently diagnosed or you have had experienced this for years, or just needing some extra support on a complicated day and a big virtual hug from me. ♥ And if you know someone who can benefit please share 🙂

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Other Helpful Family Resources

Other Family Resource Ideas

1. Social Stories: Social stories are a great way to help your child understand different social situations. They help children process the information and provide an opportunity for them to practice new skills in a safe environment.

2. Visual Aids: Visual aids, such as picture cards or simple diagrams, can be very helpful in helping your child process information. They can also be used to help children communicate their needs and feelings.

3. Self Regulation Strategies: Self-regulation strategies such as deep breaths, counting to ten, or using a stress ball or fidget can help your child manage anxiety and other difficult emotions in challenging situations.

4. Role Play: Practicing different scenarios through role play is a great way to help your child understand and practice new social skills. It allows them to feel safe and in control, while also allowing them to make mistakes without fear of judgement.

5. Online Communities and other Family Resources: Building an online community with other families going through similar

Photo by Dio Hasbi Saniskoro on

There is Results in support