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Laws and Autism: Knowing Your Rights

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If you or your child has autism, the most basic things you can study and learn are your rights. Americans are protected under the constitution, and there are laws to help protect people with autism and other disabilities. Knowing the laws, you can live in a world, that provides better opportunities. This is simply the first step to creating a more tolerant world in general.

Laws and Autism
Laws And Autism


The first Laws and Autism with which you should become acquainted is I.D.E.A., or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. It covers children ages 3 to 21 and provides children with autism with the special educational programs they need. Also, it gives parents the right to be involved with education decisions concerning their child made by the school.

First, your child needs to be assessed to qualify under the I.D.E.A. Then, your child has the right by law to receive a free public education appropriate for their skill level. If your public school has no such program, they are required to create one at no cost to you. This is an important law for parents to understand in order to ensure that their child receives the education and support they deserve.

When was the IDEA Was First Enacted?

The I.D.E.A. was first enacted by Congress in 1975, and has been regularly updated since then to provide better protect the rights for students with disabilities. It guarantees that all children have access to a free appropriate public education (FAPE), regardless of their disability. This means that schools are required to provide specialized instruction, accommodations, and services to meet the unique needs of each student with autism.

One of the key components of the I.D.E.A. is the Individualized Education Program (IEP). This is a written document outlining specific educational goals and accommodations for your child. The IEP must be developed by a team.

What Is The American Disabilities Act?

Also, become familiar with and knowledgeable about the American Disabilities Act. Under this act, discrimination due to disability is not allowed in the workforce. Even in state and local government, public accommodations, the United States Congress, public transportation, and telecommunications. If your child has the skills to do a job, he/or she cannot be refused the job because of autism.

Keep In Mind

Other laws provide rights for people with autism so that they are constitutionally equal to others. One law states people with autism have the right to vote, and accommodations must be made. Another says that individuals with autism cannot be refused housing based on disability. Equal rights should be studied as well, especially if your loved one with autism is in a health care institution. This means that they have the same rights as any other individual, and their needs should be accommodated to the best of their ability.

In terms of employment, individuals with autism are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which prohibits discrimination in hiring, promotion, job assignments, and other employment-related activities. Employers are required to make reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities, including those with autism. This may include modifications to the work environment or providing specialized equipment or support.

Furthermore, people with autism also have access to education through laws such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) which ensures that every child has a free and appropriate public education regardless of their disability. This includes special education services and accommodations tailored to meet each student’s


Knowing the autism laws and policies and how it applies to yourself or others with autism, you can be sure rights are validated. If you have questions, local law officials should be ready and willing to answer and provide material. Remember, that ignorance of the law is not a valid excuse for anyone. Be an advocate for yourself or others with autism.

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