Access to free checklists and notes for autism to support your journey. Simply click the download button and save them to your computer. Remember to bookmark the page as I will continue adding more valuable resources.
Free Check Lists For Autism

Free Check List For Newly Diagnosed With Autism
Be sure to be kind to yourself. Take things one day at a time in this journey. And this checklist will help with that.

Behavior Tracker
This will be helpful to track behaviors when there is a medication change, trauma, or any other triggers. Make an extra copy for school staff, then you have a complete log of information for your doctor or other professionals.

Medication List
How many times have you been in the Emergency Room or even any scheduled appointments with your child? They ask the million questions, and expect you to remember all the names of the medications and dosage? Fill out the form and keep it on your refrigerator. Take a picture on your phone so you always have it with you. Then when you need it you can just hand it to the nurse, or professional so you can be there for your child.

Heads Up Printable
This is helpful to parents to give the heads up to teachers and staff without giving too much information, that your child may struggle for the day. Something like a nightmare (environmental) can easily throw their day off. Even if your child is in the middle of a medication change. It won’t be documented as a behavior, but a reason for a behavior.